Bot Foundry May 15, 2020 Botfoundry and the Deconfinement After the success of the Covid-19 chatbot, the Botfoundry team decided to pursue the subject… Dorian Vacher Love0
Bot Foundry March 31, 2020 Botfoundry is now a product on the Azure Market Place ! The Botfoundry team is happy to announce that our solution is now registered on the… Dorian Vacher Love3
Bot Foundry March 31, 2020 Covid-19 : Botfoundry to help inform the citizens In this particular time, Botfoundry was called for duty to help inform the population on… Dorian Vacher Love2
Bot FoundryInnovation Stories September 11, 2019 From one ChatBot to a Bot Factory The ability of machines to understand and speak the language of men has been fascinating… Dorian Vacher Love0